Enjoy Bingo, Dominoes
& many other activities
Our care teams care about your overall health. Join us at our Wellness Centers for exercise, familiar faces & fun activities.
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Wellness Center Events
We prioritize your holistic well-being through a series of curated events. Our offerings are designed with the intent of promoting physical, mental, and social health, while also fostering community interaction. We invite you to explore the detailed descriptions of our offerings:

Our Arts & Crafts sessions are curated to promote therapeutic relaxation and self-expression, providing participants an avenue to cultivate new skills.

Designed specifically for our senior members, these specialized sessions prioritize mobility, strength, and balance. Each class is conducted with the utmost regard for safety and comfort.

This unique word-based activity offers participants an opportunity to engage in cognitive challenges, enhancing mental agility and linguistic proficiency.

Experience the age-old game of Bingo in an environment of friendliness and team spirit. Participants stand a chance to win curated prizes, adding to the excitement.

Beyond tile-matching, dominoes encourage foresight, planning, and competitive spirit.

We take immense pride in celebrating the milestones of our esteemed patients. Each birthday is commemorated with a dedicated celebration, ensuring every individual feels valued.

Whether you possess a seasoned vocal talent or simply wish to partake in light-hearted merriment, our Karaoke sessions are coordinated in an enjoyable environment.

Ranging from fun jigsaws to challenging crosswords, these activities are designed to cultivate patience, focus, and determination.

We recognize and celebrate major festivals and holidays, providing our members an opportunity to congregate and revel in the spirit of community and togetherness.

En Clinical Care hablamos tu idioma
al mismo tiempo que entendemos tus necesidadesCuando se trata de tu salud, conocemos la importancia de comunicarse con tu doctor en el idioma de tu preferencia. Por eso, disponemos de un equipo de trabajo bilingüe el cual podrá ayudarte a recibir asistencia personalizada en Inglés, Español y Creole. Comunícate al teléfono 1-800-831-4424 para recibir más detalles.
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