24/7 Immediate Medical Attention HotlineWe’ve opened a COVID hotline dedicated to patient questions about COVID-19. CCMC patients, call our COVID-19 Hotline today: (800)-492-7909
Resources Page
How CCMC is Keeping Patients Safe During COVID-19
CCMC has a long-standing commitment to the health care needs of our communities. During this global COVID-19 pandemic, it is our...
Keep readingManaging High Blood Pressure in Seniors
Did you know that nearly 47% of adults in the United States struggle with hypertension (high blood pressure)? It is one...
Keep readingInfluenza and COVID-19: 6 Tips for Coping with a Twindemic
As we head into the holiday season and cold weather causes people to gather indoors, health officials are hoping to lessen...
Keep readingHealthy Holiday Eating Tips for Seniors
The month of November is often full of laughter, holiday fun, and lots of family time! For seniors with diabetes, this...
Keep readingEverything You Need to Know About ACCESS
Whether you’re a senior in the market for the best affordable health care options available, or you’re simply making sure you’re...
Keep readingA Caretaker’s Guide to Finding the Best Primary Care Doctor
Being a caretaker for a loved one can be a difficult job, no matter how rewarding. However, it doesn’t have to...
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En Clinical Care hablamos tu idioma
al mismo tiempo que entendemos tus necesidades
Cuando se trata de tu salud, conocemos la importancia de comunicarse con tu doctor en el idioma de tu preferencia. Por eso, disponemos de un equipo de trabajo bilingüe el cual podrá ayudarte a recibir asistencia personalizada en Inglés, Español y Creole. Comunícate al teléfono 1-800-831-4424 para recibir más detalles.
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